Pokemon uranium download 1.1
Pokemon uranium download 1.1

pokemon uranium download 1.1

We sincerely apologize for this omittance.

pokemon uranium download 1.1

  • Added Connor Griffin to the credits for his amazing work on several of the background music tracks used in the game.
  • pokemon uranium download 1.1

    Resized one of the credit background images to fit properly.Fixed the very common crash at the Hall of Fame before the credits role.Fixed rare crash when getting spotted by certain trainers.Fixed common crash on main menu after deleating any save.Macho Brace will no longer soft lock the game.Fixed bug where a ranger on Route 7 was so startled by the Nuclear Gyarados that they changed gender.Fixed bug where mystery gift pokemon could not pass down HAs.Added code needed for the Halloween Mystery Gift to function properly.The patch notes are taken from the Official Pokemon Uranium Website Version 1.2.4 (10/29/18)

    Pokemon uranium download 1.1